Okayafrica sat down with K’naan for a recent interview and tell them that his music is mostly about identity and, the position that a person holds in the universal context...
He goes on to say..."I’ve always written about the question of why am I here? And, who am I? Thats been the theme of most great artists that I follow. It’s just been particularly more complex for me, having lived half of my live in Africa in Somalia and the other half in North America —Canada and the US. But, I think that’s the kind of question we’re figuring out right now. We’re in a particularly engaged world, we’re in a particularly diverse world, we’re in an economic -driven world. That’s beginning to determine identity also. Whereas in the past it was the human being’s ancestral and spiritual history which determined identity, now its becoming economics. I’m just a part of that journey and those are the kind of questions that I address in my music and those are the kind of feelings that I think my songs bring up. You know, songs like “Coming To America”
Read the full interview here: http://www.okayafrica.com/2012/01/26/interview-knaan/
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